Thursday 3 April 2014

Engineering Drawings and Custom Appearances

I went over my Lego Man last night and changed the appearance to make it look much more to my liking. I wanted him to look like he was in a soccer strip, which led to the idea of putting decals on his front and back for a soccer teams logo. The picture below was my first screenshot of my fully completed and assembled model which was a great feeling!

The technical drawings were a bit of a challenge, just making sure everything was fully dimensioned and I had enough and the right amount of views to communicate the model. I accidentally went on a bit of a roll with my Top Part Assembly Drawing and dimensioned the entire body piece of the Lego Man, which I was very proud of until I realised that I wasn't supposed to fully dimension that part! I saved it anyway and included it in my ZIP file along with the proper drawing with just minimal dimensions on there. 

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Lego Man Accessory - The Life and Times

I finally settled on and finished my accessory today, I decided to can the idea of a bowling alley and work on a weight set. I modelled a bench press bar with a '10KG' and '20KG' weight discs that can slot onto the arm. The bar looked pretty simple so I put a series of small circles on the part of the bar for grip. It took me a while to figure out to add this patter all over the cylinder shape. However, I used a liner pattern first to copy the first extruded circle along the length of the bar. Then, I used a circular pattern where I selected the first liner pattern feature to wrap around the cylinder.

I didn't want it to look like just a standard weights disc so I added my own little colour scheme and look to it.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Arm

I finally finished the Lego Man's arm to a standard I'm reasonably happy with. Which took a lot longer than I would have liked!! The biggest issues I had came from the fact that it is a very organic shape and was difficult to model. I used mostly revolves and lofts to make the shape. All in all I think visually it looks accurate however the dimensions could be a tad off. From doing this part I learn how to create a new plane on an angle, which I think will come in handy in the future. I also got to practice mirroring parts.