Tuesday 25 March 2014

Lego Man Tweaking and Accessory Concept

This week I mainly focused on the finer details of the Lego Man, trying to make it as authentic as possible. The biggest challenge I had was creating the inside of the body part. Measuring the depth of its internal parts with my vernier was extremely important for accuracy. I was pretty happy with how this turned out, however, I basically had to take an educated guess of the radii on the inside.

For my accessory I was leaning towards creating a Batman costume for my Lego Man but I didn't think it had enough originality. So now I am working on a bowling alley/ pins/ bowling ball, but sizing is an issue as I obviously cant be too big for the #D printer. If it turns out to be too big to print I might still finish it just as a CAD model, then work on something a bit simpler to print like a weights set or something of that sort.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Glass Bottle & Lego Man

The bottle was a bit more challenging than I thought it would be to be honest. My plan of attack was to sketch half of the bottles profile then do a 360 degree revolve. However, the main issue I came across was the actual revolve itself. For some reason I could only get my sketch fully defined if I mirrored it. But! When I tried to revolve the entire sketch mirrored it forced an error. Which got pretty f***ing fustraiting! :) Im still working on this issue, trying to get the revolve to work properly while still being fully defined.

For the Lego Man part of the assignment I'm using a pretty awesome Star Wars figure. Which means nothing but it's pretty cool! I smashed out the head, legs, waist and hands pretty quickly and to a standard I was very happy with. I have started and completed the exterior of the body of the Lego Man, however, the inside seems to be the most difficult part to model. I'll have to spend some extra time on this I think.

Overall at this point I'm happy with the progress I've made so far and hope to have the bottle and Lego Man 100% finished so I can start to work on my own part to 3D print! :)