Tuesday 25 March 2014

Lego Man Tweaking and Accessory Concept

This week I mainly focused on the finer details of the Lego Man, trying to make it as authentic as possible. The biggest challenge I had was creating the inside of the body part. Measuring the depth of its internal parts with my vernier was extremely important for accuracy. I was pretty happy with how this turned out, however, I basically had to take an educated guess of the radii on the inside.

For my accessory I was leaning towards creating a Batman costume for my Lego Man but I didn't think it had enough originality. So now I am working on a bowling alley/ pins/ bowling ball, but sizing is an issue as I obviously cant be too big for the #D printer. If it turns out to be too big to print I might still finish it just as a CAD model, then work on something a bit simpler to print like a weights set or something of that sort.

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